Thursday 26 November 2009

Ticking Along

Holly is doing so well. Tuesday was the last day of this months retinoic acid. I think we are both delighted with this. Not only does it make Holly's skin incredibly dry and sore but it is a total pain in the neck to prepare. During the 2 weeks off her skin repairs and looks so wonderful. She has had a momentous week, she has enjoyed her first proper shower in over 9 months. It must have been good because she has been in and out of there ever since!

December is going to be such a busy month (as it is for everyone!). Holly will be 12 on the 2nd December. What a wonderful day that is going to be. Back in February I never dared look forward to her birthday, never mind Christmas, but I am determined to celebrate how well Holly is doing and the simple fact that she is here with us. She is keeping us busy with her lists of presents for the birthday fairy and Santa! Unfortunately she knows Santa is actually me, but she is enjoying making it special for Izzy and Harry. Izzy is at that magical age where she is so believing. I am so going to relish having the 3 of them opening their presents and eating their dinner together.

I am very lucky. Holly is well, Izzy is going to be a shepherd in her first Christmas nativity play and Harry is, just Harry. I have so much to be thankful for.


  1. What a fab post.

    Would love to send Holly something for her birthday if you could text me your address x


  2. Dear All, so wonderful to read your blog, so very very happy you are all looking forward to christmas. Have a great time friday night and what a wonderful birthday treat for Holly. Happy birthay Holly have great day.
    Love always
    Jane, Kev, Amber, Darcy, Angel & Red xxxxxxxx
