Sunday 29 March 2009

The Christening

Saturday was Harry's Christening. Holly was feeling great and really looking forward to the day. We woke to the sound of pouring rain, after last weeks spring like weather I had actually dared to hope that we could have the doors open to the garden and the children would be able to play out all afternoon. It wasn't to be. The Christening was at 1pm and was beautiful. It was very low key and casual, exactly as we wanted it. Fr Anton didn't bat an eyelid at the children running about and Harry trying to escape by crawling right past him! He valiantly involved Holly in the ceremony by getting her to hold the oil, she wasn't too impressed (she looked like a typical teenager being asked to do her homework!). Izzy was a particular handful as she didnt want to sit still and kept running up to Daddy to cuddle him (her woollen dress sheds everywhere, I forgot to tell Ben, then I couldn't help the giggles as he spent the next 10mins trying to get wool off his suit!). She then decided she wanted to blow the candle out and knocked it out of my hand onto the floor. Even though the priest was lovely I think he was secretly glad when it was over.

Holly looked great in her new outfit (as did Harry).

Everyone came back to the house for food and drink and the children behaved wonderfully. Holly decided that she would stay for the food but was then going to dads for a curry and would stay overnight. This is only the 2nd time she has been away from me since she was diagnosed and it felt really strange. It was nice not to have to get up at 6am to give her her medicine though!

Today (Sunday) has been a catch up day for me. Washing, ironing and a total clear out of Hollys room. I managed to clear 4 bin bags of stuff from under her bed! How long will it stay looking so clean?

I want to say a huge thank you to all our lovely neighbours and friends. The wondeful Ros organised a whip round from everyone (and we only live in a small close!) for a present for Holly. An amazing amount of money was raised and Holly is so grateful and is now looking forward to spending all her vouchers in Next and M&S. Thank you all also from Ben and myself. It's very humbling to think how much everyone cares, we all go about our daily lives, saying hello as we pass, but this has made me realise how much of a community we are. By the way Ros, am looking forward to the kitchen warming party!

Holly had a lovely day and returned home (very tired) this afternoon.

It has been a lovely weekend but I do feel totally physically and emotionally exhausted. This week brings the next round of chemo on Tues and Weds (we are hoping Holly will be ok to do this as a day case as no hydration is needed with this course).

Heres to another good week...

Thursday 26 March 2009


Today has been a hard day.

After a very early start (Holly is not a morning person) we arrived at Addenbrookes for Hollys bone marrow biopsy. She was looking forward to it as she quite enjoys the sensation of being put to sleep. However, she a little wobble when faced with the docs and anaesthetist. The aneasthetist was great and soon had her laughing. She then had them all laughing as she was being put to sleep, as she was quite cross with me. She told me it wasn't working and when I tried to soothe her she shouted "Be quiet mum, you are annoying me!".
It was a quick procedure and she was out in about 25mins. What didnt help me was, about half way through, one of the observing students had to be escorted out, sat in a chair and given a glass of water! It was her first bone marrow observation and she felt faint!
It took Holly about 20mins to come round and, apart from being sore, she was fine.

I have felt quite upset today. I find the whole putting to sleep thing very hard. What has also made today very very hard was meeting one of the mums who was next to us with her little boy when we were in 3weeks ago. We left on the Monday and he had been taken to PICU (intensive care) on the Tuesday. When we returned the week later he still hadn't returned to C2. I asked mum how he was today and he had passed away on the Saturday. I feel so sad. Why does this horrible disease take these innocent little children? Life is very unfair.

On a positive note, Holly is feeling fine and is back on Msn (her sore back seems to come and go!). As her blood levels are so good we have a clear run for the christening on Saturday with no nurse visits scheduled.

On another positive note, Izzy has decided that she can actually sleep in her cot and was a very good girl last night and much sleep was enjoyed by all!

Wednesday 25 March 2009

Another Day at Home

As Hollys blood levels were all fine we had a day without any medical bits and pieces. However I got a phone call this morning from Addenbrookes asking that Holly, as we are half way through the chemo course, could come in tomorrow for a bone marrow biopsy. This involves her being put to sleep and them inserting a large needle into her back to remove the bone marrow for testing. She is totally delighted as she loves being out to sleep (!!!). I, however, am not so delighted as it will require a 6.30am start tomorrow!

The household is very tired today due to a certain Little Monster. Izzy has decided that she no longer wishes to go to sleep in her cot. We decided to let her cry it out (obviously checking on her) as she was safe in her cot, but she had other ideas. She can now jump out of her cot (with a sleeping bag on, omg!). This has the desired effect on ensuring Daddy has to come and put her back to bed. Tonight has been better so far (keeping everything crossed) and we are all hoping for a good nights sleep.

Not much else to report, we went shopping, Holly got yet another new pair of shoes and a new Me To You Bear (she is becoming a total shopping addict, I can't think where she gets that from???)

I am not looking forward to tomorrow, its heartwrenching watching your baby being put to sleep, but I know it will all be fine.

Just a quick update as much rush, the new series of The Apprentice is about to start.

Monday 23 March 2009



I never in a million years would have imagined spending Mothers Day in hospital, especially in a childrens cancer ward, but I will never forget this Mothers Day.

I opened my cards (which I had brought with me), one from each of the children. Holly then gave me my "surprise". It was a beautiful card, which I could see she had worked so hard on. It was such an intricate, delicate card which, from someone who gets bored drawing a picture, I will treasure forever.

The best present was when the docs came round and gave us the go ahead to go home later that day. I decided to leave early to go and say thanks to my lovely mum and then come home to spend time with the Little Monsters (and Ben!) before bed. They had bought me the most wonderful bouquet of flowers (Im sure Ben had a hand in that!) which rounded the day off very nicely.

Holly stayed with dad until her hydration had finished, and was out by 5pm. This was the shortest stay we have had on the same amount of chemo so heres hoping it continues.


Other than the fact that Holly isnt at school I could almost have convinced myself we were any normal family today. No nurse visit / no hospital just a normal day (Tescos etc!). Although I do have to say I am missing those school runs and wish Holly could be just like her friends again (stroppy, moody and always late!). Holly has enjoyed herself today and has been in really good spirits. She went to dad and Kirstys for lunch and also saw Nana and Nanu. She went and put some flowers outside Jades house, this is a story particularly close at the moment.
Tomorrow the nurse will come and take blood to check her levels and I am sure that at some point in the week we will have to go to Lister/Addenbrookes for a top up.

It is so lovely to be home x

Friday 20 March 2009

Cookie Day

I have decided to name today Cookie Day. Holly has been munching away on choc chip cookies for the last couple of hours. This will, no doubt, be replaced by something completely different tomorrow!

We are now firmly ensconced in ward C2 once again, for round 4 of chemo. This involves 24hrs of chemo and then 24hrs if hydration (see previous posts for the joys of hydration!). If all goes to plan we will hopefully be out out on Sunday evening.

The docs are pleased with Holly and how well she is during her treatment. They gave the go ahead for the chemo to start so we are off and running.

Mick (chef - last seen running for cover!) was delighted to see Holly once again and she was taking full advantage within hours of arriving on the ward.

To relieve the boredom, Holly has had an afternoon of arts and crafts that mums were not allowed to be party too. I decided to take advantage of the peace and quiet to watch the wonderful Number 1 Ladies Detective Agency on iplayer (tis a great invention that!).
Holly returned only to let slip within 30secs what they had been doing. The nurses burst out laughing because I had only just told them how rubbish Holly was at keeping secrets!
I can't wait to see what Sunday brings.

Its been a very busy week and I think it finally caught up with Holly. She fell into a very deep sleep about 5.30pm and didn't even wake when the nurse was checking her temperature. She is very much awake now however and is chatting on msn.

It has been lovely to catch up with the other mums but, once again, very sad to see lots of new faces attempting to come to terms with finding themselves on ward C2.

Wednesday 18 March 2009


Holly was in Addenbrookes today again for her GFR blood tests. She was taken by Dad and Kirsty and was fine, just quite a lot of sitting around and waiting. She also needs to go again tomorrow for her blood transfusion as it was too late by the time her test had finished today. This means Holly has spent/will spend Tues/Weds/Thurs in Addenbrookes and we are due there again on Friday for her next lot of chemo (good job she likes it there!)

As Holly was out I had a day with the Little Monsters. I took them to toddler group, my god I came out with a headache. It was soooo loud but I must admit I enjoyed every moment, even singing Wheels on the Bus etc at the end. I think Izzy has enjoyed having me around and I seemed to get lots of big cuddles today. Daddy is still favourite though (even though he didnt get home until 10mins before bedtime!).

I have also booked Harrys Christening for 28March (omg thats next Saturday!). Holly has been doing so well that we decided to have it now, rather than waiting til his birthday in May. Outfits and cake are ordered. Holly had to have a new outfit too and has thoroughly enjoyed herself browsing the new Next Directory!

Tuesday 17 March 2009


Well today was another platelet day. Holly seems to need these topping up every week (they help with clotting). Her levels have dropped very low this week and she is also neutropenic (this means she is particularly susceptible to infection). She is feeling fine but a bit disappointed as she cannot be around large groups of children and had been planning to pop into school to say hi to everyone. I have been assured this is totally normal during Hollys treatment.

Due to Lister having no space we had to go to Addenbrookes for the transfusion (queue much smiling from Holly and me!). Although Addenbrookes is a bit further it is a much more efficient, pleasant experience. They know Holly now and we are pretty much waved through.

It was lovely to bump into one of my C2 friends (I regard her as a friend now, I have to say she got me through those first terrifying days when Holly was admitted). You get to know everyone (I think its a woman thing, we just want to share!) and its nice to catch up, either in the ward or in the day unit.

We were home by 4.30pm so Holly decided she wanted to go to dads for Dominos. She seems to be permanently hungry, this is fantastic and is to be encouraged according to the dietician. She has been given permission to eat junk food and whatever she wants, she is definitely taking advantage of this!

Tomorrow is back to Addenbrookes for her GFR test (blood tests to check her kidneys). This takes place over 4 hours so dad is taking her.

I am looking forward to toddler group with Izzy and Harry tomorrow as I haven't been able to take them for ages (thanks nanna for taking them every week). Sis is delighted as it means she doesnt have to go!

Sunday 15 March 2009

A Lovely Day

The sun is out and Holly is feeling good, what more can I ask for?

Nurse very pleased with Holly, bp is absolutely fine and she is eating well. She had a lovely afternoon and went for lunch with Dad and Kirsty at Nana and Nanus. She had a wonderful time and came back a little giddy (she had apparently been like this all afternoon!). I understand much fun was had with wig trying on and games.

I had a great afternoon with the little monsters. Ben and I took them to the park where we met Sis and her little monsters (Millie and Gracie). There was running, chasing, playing with the bikes, looking at the animals, and attempting to feed the ducks (who were way too full as the park was very busy). All the little ones came back for dinner and the first play in the garden of the year. Am hoping the fresh air knackers them out (it certainly seems to have worked with Ben!).

It is so nice to have a normal weekend and be a normal family again.

Friday 13 March 2009

Back Home

Just a quick update as I am delighted to be home and intend to enjoy every moment.

Holly had a good night but her bp decided to play up a bit again today. The doctors decided to keep an eye on her during the day and make a decision later in the afternoon. As it stayed ok'ish and the meds made a difference they decided to let us go home, but we need to get it checked each day in case the meds need increasing. Tomorrow and Sunday will be checked at Lister (yuk!) but during the week the nurse will come out and check it. This is a small price to pay to enable us to be back at home.

Holly had a good day (no school as she was a bit tired, yeah yeah), but she surprisingly perked up when Angela (one of the play leaders) came round to let is know they were going to be doing baking at 1.30pm. We went up to do this but when Holly saw no other mums were around I was dispatched off pretty quickly. She came back with a comic relief themed biscuit which looked like it contained about 3000 e numbers. After being consumed she decided it was a "bit sickly".

We got the all clear at 4ish to go home so we scarpered.

Thursday 12 March 2009

A Busy Day

Well, all my finger crossing yesterday didn't quite work. Holly was quite spectacularly sick at midnight last night so I was geared up for a night of it. But it was only once and she has been fine today, I had huge trouble sleeping though because every time she moved I was reaching for the sick bowl!

Holly had a good breakfast followed by some Jeremy Kyle (don't know where she gets her love of trash tv from?). She then spent another morning in school, where shes not very sure what she did, apart from something to do with apostrophes. The sooner she is back at school the better!

Thursday seems to be the "volunteer" day in ward C2. We saw the art lady (Holly was too engrossed in Meet the Parents but promised faithfully to do some later), the patting dog man and also the clowns. Poor Mr Strumalong and Dr Clown, they tried very hard but Holly is a very harsh audience. Queue tumbleweed.

The docs are very pleased again with Holly, the only slight issue is that her Bp is very up and down. This is probably to due to her tumours, but they have decided to give her some medication to keep it down. We are due to go home tomorrow but need to see how her Bp is doing before any decisions are made.

Ben was in Norwich today so popped in on his way home. It was great to see him but also made me realise just how much I am missing them all. Sometimes I wonder if its better to not have visitors rather than be reminded what we are missing? Especially as Izzy has been asking for Holly. I think I just feel very torn at times.

Poor Mick (chef) is probably looking forward to us going as Holly has had him running around again for her (ice cream being her fave today).

Holly has also had dad running around. She decided that only Macdonalds would do for dinner so she told him he could come and visit her, with a chicken sandwich meal!

We are now relaxing and watching Meet the Fockers. I love that film. Am hoping to keep awake til the end. Its very tiring sitting around in hospital!

Ps - hydration still going til 11pm, weeing seems to be every 30mins!

Wednesday 11 March 2009

I Love Hydration!

Well it looks like all my finger crossing has worked and Holly hasn't been sick so far on this chemo. She spent last night and today on the 24hr hydration which follows chemo, this basically is supposed to clear the drugs from her system as quick as possible by making her wee loads. This is fine during the day but can be quite hard work at night (the wee has to be collected and weighed!). However the nurses suggested a commode at the bottom of her bed and this has been a godsend, enabling me to get more than an hours sleep at a time!

The doctors were very pleased with Holly, remarking how well she was looking and how well she was tolerating the treatment.

Holly was delighted (haha) to see the teacher arrive to let her know school was to start at 1030am. She had a lovely hour of literacy and the teacher was very impressed. Holly now firmly believes that school should be limited to an hour every day, she will get a shock when she goes back!

Holly had a quiet afternoon resting (she also felt a bit sick) but has perked up considerably now, and has had the lovely Mick (ward C2's resident chef) making her 2 dinners (both of which have been eaten). As I type she is currently chatting to 7 friends on Msn.

Chemo started again from 5.30pm to 9.30pm and then the dreaded hydration starts for 24hrs. This is due to finish tomorrow night so it looks like we will be home on Friday morning.

Apparantly Izzy and Harry have been behaving very well (thanks Nanna) without me. Izzy has managed to wrap Daddy round her little finger, and has acquired the much desired Peppa Pig spaceship which caused a massive tantrum in Boots at the weekend. I am missing them all loads.

Tuesday 10 March 2009

A Better Day

Well after a dodgy night (Izzy wanted to be awake with daddy for an hour at 2.45am!) all was peaceful (well as peaceful as possible with 2 little ones, one wanting to watch Justin and one wanting Noddy).

The wonderful Addenbrookes called to say Hollys bed was ready so we made our way up here. She had her obs and bloods done and then we made ourselves comfortable, ready for the next 3 days. Chemo has started and all is well at the moment. This is the chemo that made Holly sick last time so she has had plenty of anti-sickness drugs and I am hoping they will help.

She is feeling good and hasnt stopped eating, every time I sit down she "fancies" something else. I have been on 3 separate trips to the shops already for salt and vinegar crisps, giant chocolate buttons and a jacket potato with tuna (this was after her dinner of sweet and sour chicken!). She now wants another packet of crisps and I want a rest!

Im not moaning though, its wonderful to see her appetite so good as I find it particularly heartbreaking when she won't eat as its so unlike her.

We have had a great afternoon. Steve from Scribbles (pottery shop) came in and all the children (and mums!) were allowed to chose and paint their own pottery. Holly painted a rather fetching pink spotty pig and I have done a fab turquoise tortoise. Looks like thats Bens birthday presents sorted! Holly then did some schoolwork with the teacher and I took the opportunity for a sneaky latte and 20mins with my book. The lady with the patting dog also came round, a huge giant poodle, and now Holly wants one of those.

It has been lovely to catch up with all the other mums and see some old faces again. Sadly, there are plenty of new faces too. Those first few days are the worst.

Monday 9 March 2009

A frustrating day

As the title suggests today has been a very frustrating day. Holly needed a platelet transfusion which was going to be at Lister on Saturday but as she had no symptons (nose bleeds, bruising etc) they decided she could wait until today. That way the platelets would be all ready and waiting for us to come in at 10am for the 30mins transfusion and then be on our way. I called at 9am to check all was ok only to discover that said platelets had not been ordered and they would call me. We were eventually asked to come in at 2pm, then more waiting, transfusion and then eventually home at 6pm! I felt bad because I had arranged for little ones to be looked after (thanks nanna and auntie C) and the day had just got away with me. Holly, however, was not phased by any of this and spent most of her time texting on her new phone (thanks dad!), even when the nurse was talking to her (I soon put a stop to this however).

She is still feeling very well and had a lovely dinner out with dad, Kirsty, Nana and Nanu.

Tomorrow we are due to become residents once again of ward C2 at Addenbrookes for the 3rd dose of chemo. I am hoping this will only be a 3 night stay once again. Having just spent all afternoon at Lister I can only thank god our main treatment is in Cambridge as it is pure luxury in comparison. In a strange way I am looking forward to being back in C2 as I feel very comforted by the great team of nurses and doctors and I know Holly does too.

That said I will, of course, miss my lovely babies (and Ben) but know that they are all being looked after (thanks nanna), and I know I am where I need to be.

A little funny to end on, Izzy (after being horrified at Bens new lack of hair) asked if the doctors had taken Daddys hair away like they did to Holly, it made me realise that even though she is only 2 she is more aware of what is going on than I thought.

Sunday 8 March 2009

The First Post

Lots of friends have suggested a blog for Holly so I am going to attempt it. Not being very computer literate I hope you will bear with me while I get to grips.
This has been a good week for Holly. She has been feeling good and eating well. The temperature has been perfect so we have been able to spend all week at home with the little monsters (Izzy and Harry) and Ben. Her hair started falling out on Tuesday (also my birthday!) and lovely Lynne came round on Friday to crop it for her and also to style her new wig. This is her pride and joy (£400 so it should be!). She has also realised that head scarves are not only for old ladies but can look pretty cool too! Holly has gone from a girl who would panic at the thought of having an inch cut off her hair to being the most amazing, brave young girl whose hair has now almost disappeared.
Holly spent her first night away from me since being diagnosed to have a sleepover at dads and had a great time. I also had a great night as sis and Steve came round for a curry, lots if wine and a few games of Scene It on the xbox. A fab night was had by all, Ben ended the night with a bald head (in sympathy with Holly and courtesy of Steve and his clippers) and a headache! He asked if it made him look as hard as Ross Kemp in Return to Afghanistan, I had to let him down gently!