Thursday 26 March 2009


Today has been a hard day.

After a very early start (Holly is not a morning person) we arrived at Addenbrookes for Hollys bone marrow biopsy. She was looking forward to it as she quite enjoys the sensation of being put to sleep. However, she a little wobble when faced with the docs and anaesthetist. The aneasthetist was great and soon had her laughing. She then had them all laughing as she was being put to sleep, as she was quite cross with me. She told me it wasn't working and when I tried to soothe her she shouted "Be quiet mum, you are annoying me!".
It was a quick procedure and she was out in about 25mins. What didnt help me was, about half way through, one of the observing students had to be escorted out, sat in a chair and given a glass of water! It was her first bone marrow observation and she felt faint!
It took Holly about 20mins to come round and, apart from being sore, she was fine.

I have felt quite upset today. I find the whole putting to sleep thing very hard. What has also made today very very hard was meeting one of the mums who was next to us with her little boy when we were in 3weeks ago. We left on the Monday and he had been taken to PICU (intensive care) on the Tuesday. When we returned the week later he still hadn't returned to C2. I asked mum how he was today and he had passed away on the Saturday. I feel so sad. Why does this horrible disease take these innocent little children? Life is very unfair.

On a positive note, Holly is feeling fine and is back on Msn (her sore back seems to come and go!). As her blood levels are so good we have a clear run for the christening on Saturday with no nurse visits scheduled.

On another positive note, Izzy has decided that she can actually sleep in her cot and was a very good girl last night and much sleep was enjoyed by all!


  1. Hi All - Sat 28th - hope all went well at the christening today. I was thinking of you all. Take care. Love Jackie

  2. Hi all, Hope you all had a great day today. I too was thinking of you all. Glad Holly is home and back on msn (the joys of msn) lol.
    Take care
    All our love
    Jane, Kev, Amber, Darcy, Angel & Red xxxxx
