Thursday 12 March 2009

A Busy Day

Well, all my finger crossing yesterday didn't quite work. Holly was quite spectacularly sick at midnight last night so I was geared up for a night of it. But it was only once and she has been fine today, I had huge trouble sleeping though because every time she moved I was reaching for the sick bowl!

Holly had a good breakfast followed by some Jeremy Kyle (don't know where she gets her love of trash tv from?). She then spent another morning in school, where shes not very sure what she did, apart from something to do with apostrophes. The sooner she is back at school the better!

Thursday seems to be the "volunteer" day in ward C2. We saw the art lady (Holly was too engrossed in Meet the Parents but promised faithfully to do some later), the patting dog man and also the clowns. Poor Mr Strumalong and Dr Clown, they tried very hard but Holly is a very harsh audience. Queue tumbleweed.

The docs are very pleased again with Holly, the only slight issue is that her Bp is very up and down. This is probably to due to her tumours, but they have decided to give her some medication to keep it down. We are due to go home tomorrow but need to see how her Bp is doing before any decisions are made.

Ben was in Norwich today so popped in on his way home. It was great to see him but also made me realise just how much I am missing them all. Sometimes I wonder if its better to not have visitors rather than be reminded what we are missing? Especially as Izzy has been asking for Holly. I think I just feel very torn at times.

Poor Mick (chef) is probably looking forward to us going as Holly has had him running around again for her (ice cream being her fave today).

Holly has also had dad running around. She decided that only Macdonalds would do for dinner so she told him he could come and visit her, with a chicken sandwich meal!

We are now relaxing and watching Meet the Fockers. I love that film. Am hoping to keep awake til the end. Its very tiring sitting around in hospital!

Ps - hydration still going til 11pm, weeing seems to be every 30mins!

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