Sunday 8 March 2009

The First Post

Lots of friends have suggested a blog for Holly so I am going to attempt it. Not being very computer literate I hope you will bear with me while I get to grips.
This has been a good week for Holly. She has been feeling good and eating well. The temperature has been perfect so we have been able to spend all week at home with the little monsters (Izzy and Harry) and Ben. Her hair started falling out on Tuesday (also my birthday!) and lovely Lynne came round on Friday to crop it for her and also to style her new wig. This is her pride and joy (£400 so it should be!). She has also realised that head scarves are not only for old ladies but can look pretty cool too! Holly has gone from a girl who would panic at the thought of having an inch cut off her hair to being the most amazing, brave young girl whose hair has now almost disappeared.
Holly spent her first night away from me since being diagnosed to have a sleepover at dads and had a great time. I also had a great night as sis and Steve came round for a curry, lots if wine and a few games of Scene It on the xbox. A fab night was had by all, Ben ended the night with a bald head (in sympathy with Holly and courtesy of Steve and his clippers) and a headache! He asked if it made him look as hard as Ross Kemp in Return to Afghanistan, I had to let him down gently!

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