Thursday 7 May 2009

Birthdays, Ikea, School and Chelsea

It was great to leave hospital on Sunday night. Holly was feeling good and we were all able to enjoy Harrys birthday party.
The presents were unwrapped (mostly by Izzy), the food was bought (bbq fare) and what happened? It rained!
In true British style we carried on regardless, it has to be said Ben was not amused. BBQing in the rain was not his idea of fun on a Bank Holiday Monday. Meanwhile the rest of us giggled from the warmth on the living room with a glass of wine. It didn't spoil a lovely day and Harry didn't seem to mind where his dinner came from.

Apart from being sick (in true diva style all over her carpet!) on Monday night Holly had a great day.

The nurse came on Tuesday to do Hollys blood counts as they had been borderline when we left hospital so we were all prepared to have to go in for platelets or a transfusion. However her results were good so anothers days grace. We took advantage of this and Holly decided she had a sudden craving for Ikea meatballs. Thus it was to Ikea we went for the afternoon. She managed to con me out of yet another lamp for her bedroom and some bits and pieces and also managed a full plate of meatballs (she did have to fight Harry though!). It was wonderful to see her enjoying her food so much and great to get out and about.

Wednesday was a quiet morning. Nana took Izzy to playgroup and Harry and I had a peaceful (ish) morning with Holly. We took Harry for his 12mth injections and my little brave soldier didn't even cry, I couldn't believe it. Holly went to Nanas in the afternoon to make pizza and then spent some time with Dad and Kirsty.

Still feeling good on Thursday, a few bruises though which is a sure sign Hollys platelets are dropping. We popped over to Martinas (Hollys friends mum) who has been a total star and has organised a benefit disco on behalf of Holly next Friday. She has worked tirelessly and has arranged some amazing items for the auction, one if which is a signed Chelsea shirt (very kindly donated by Joe Coles dad). Holly posed for somes pictures dressed in the shirt (sorry Grandad who is an avid Arsenal supporter). We are really looking forward to a great night out next Friday and hope everyone can join us.
The nurse came again for bloods (all fine again) and then Holly spent the afternoon at school. Due to the fact she had 2 breakfasts she wasn't hungry. Therefore I had a sheepish phone call from the school secretary to inform me at 2pm that Holly was hungry and could I please bring her a sandwich! Of course, I did. She had a really good day at school and is asking to go again tomorrow. I shall see how enthused she is about that when she gets up in the morning!

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