Sunday 17 May 2009

A Wonderful Night

Friday was a wonderful day. Holly was really excited about the disco and having fun with all her friends. She was feeling good and we made sure we had a quiet morning to conserve energy for the night ahead.

We had an appointment arranged for us at a local hairdressers and they were anazing. Holly had her nails done to match her outfit (blue with black and silver bits) and all her hair curled. I (encouraged by Holly) had some false eyelashes put on and my hair done. She looked amazing. The false eyelashes were quite disconcerting, Izzy thought I had some kind of insect on my eyes, and I have to say I felt I did look rather like a tranny! I loved my hair and they even insisted on me coming back on Monday to get my colour done, they were so kind.

Friday night was so so so amazing. The hall was packed with our friends and Holly really enjoyed being the centre of attention. She spent all night with her friends, dancing and running around. She only came back to see me when she needed a drink or to tell me off for dancing as I was "soooo embarrassing".
There was an auction for some amazing prizes and also a raffle. I must say a HUGE thank you to Martina who is a human whirlwind. She organised the whole night, from the DJ to all the prizes and auction items. It is impossible to find the words I want to say to her and her wonderful family, they are amazing friends and I thank them from the bottom of my heart (as does Holly).
Holly also got some extra surprises, a Nintendo DSi, 6 tickets to Thorpe Park and, best of all, a promise of a villa in Florida as soon as she is better and able to travel!
Thanks to the wonderful generosity of our friends the night raised a whopping total of £4995!!!!!!!! She really will be able to have the holiday of a lifetime.

Thank you to everyone for a really wonderful, overwhelming night.

1 comment:

  1. It was a lovely night. Your friend is an absoloute star! 5 grand is fantastic!! Holly looked lovely and so did you.XXX
