Wednesday 27 May 2009

More Scan News

Well, Holly is still doing really well. She is feeling good and eating like a horse! Bacon sandwiches are still the fave but I had a substantial list of "extras" when I went to Tescos! The nurse came out today for bloods and all the levels were fine, they are holding really well and no transfusions are needed.

Today started as a good day and ended as a great day. I had a call from Boo (one of the team at Addenbrookes) with the preliminary results from Hollys MIBG scans last week. These scans involved Holly being injected with a radioactive substance and then scanned over a period of 2 days. The substance is attracted to all the neuroblastoma cells and shows on the scan. They are compared to the same scans taken on first diagnosis. The results all came back "WITHIN NORMAL LIMITS". This is amazing, amazing news. I feel quite overwhelmed that my beautiful little girl seems to be winning this battle at the moment. I know we have a long road left to travel but have allowed myself to feel positive today. I have run a lot at the gym tonight as my emotions were running riot!

Holly is also very happy at this news and is currently attempting to stay awake to watch her new fave program - Surgery Live on Channel 4! She loves this program (it is gruesome) and is particularly interested tonight as it is from Addenbrookes.


  1. John & Margaret Curran old friends from Co Kerry here. Delighted to hear the good news of Holly's tests. We pray she will continue to make good progress.
    All our love and prayers. MargaretXXX

  2. Great news, the best i have ever heard.Fantastic,fantastic,fantastic xxxxx
    All our love
    Jane, Kev, Amber, Darcy, Angel & Red

  3. I am wonderfully happy to hear this positive news.

    Tom Archdeacon (your dad's 1st cousin from the USA).
