Wednesday 26 August 2009


Today was Holly's MRI scan followed by a CT scan in radiotherapy.

She has been feeling fine since Friday and had her promised sleepover with Megan on Sunday night. They stayed up very late (not sure exactly until when, but we think about 2am!). They watched dvds and ate copious amounts of rubbish. The floor was littered with space ship sweets the next morning! They seemed to have a fun day and Holly is going to stay with Megan tomorrow night. It is lovely that she is able to do this and is well enough for it to be no problem. I have noticed though, that a tired Holly plus an audience, equals a little madam. I am assured that they are all like it at this age. I can't wait for the teenage years!

Holly's MRI scan went smoothly today. I can't begin to explain how noisy this scan is. You need earplugs in and it is still horrendously loud. Yet Holly fell asleep. Maybe thats what I need to do at home? We don't have any results yet and I don't expect to hear much. They are doing these scans as planning for radiotherapy and it isn't very long since her last scan.

She then had her CT scan. This is the scan where they get her positioned correctly for all her radiotherapy. Once lined up they drew 3 points on her which were then tattoed. They are only tiny pin pricks but will be there forever, fading over time. These will be used to line her in place each time she goes. She was quite impressed to be tattooed at 11 years old. It made me feel quite sad. It will be a permanent reminder of everything she has been through.

I must say a huge thank you to my wonderful mum for looking after Harry and Izzy so well while I have been up and down to Cambridge these last few weeks. She has made sure that they haven't really noticed that Mummy has been away so much. I wouldn't have been able to spend all this time looking after Holly without her help.

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