Wednesday 19 August 2009

Nose Tube Gone

Holly wanted me to update to let you all know that the dreaded nose tube is no more. The dietician agreed with me that as she has put on 2 kilos in 2 weeks (!) she was obviously eating enough. It is lovely to see her pretty face properly again.

We had a good check up on Tuesday and Holly's hearing test was fine. The chemo hasn't caused any deterioration which is great. We also met the consultant radiologist who went through everything and answered all of Holly's questions. Holly will be starting 14days of radiotherapy on 14Sept at a very low dose.
Today was the MIBG scan which Holly took in her stride (as usual). As we were hanging around in day unit we got the opportunity to go and have a look at the radiotherapy department and see the machines. Holly seems remarkably unphased about this new chapter. She just wanted to know if she could have a picture on the machine to put on the blog when it all starts.

I get a day off from Addenbrookes tomorrow as Kirsty is taking Holly for her follow up scan. I am looking forward to spending the day with Izzy and Harry (and the plumber!). We are back in Addenbrookes again on Friday for Holly's bone marrow aspirate. She has decided that she doesn't like being put to sleep now but she will try and be brave. I have also decided to try and be brave...


  1. Wow - well done Holly, this is just great news. Nose tubes play an important part but great to get rid! Thrilled for you.

    Just love your blog. Keep writing!

    The Davies 4

  2. Fantastic! Nose tube gone - Hooray! We will all be thinking of you tomorrow you are SO BRAVE!!!
    Its nice to hear your appetite has come back too - well done Holly XXXX
