Tuesday 6 October 2009

Curry and Addenbrookes

Sunday was the curry afternoon organised by out wonderful friend Martina. It was a fab day, the food was fantastic and everyone seemed to be having a great time. Izzy enjoyed her first time in a restaurant (never mind her first time with Indian food) and thoroughly enjoyed trying all the new tastes. Her particular favourites were rice, sausage (smuggled in by nanna) and ketchup! She was also partial to the chocolates being passed around. She followed Holly round and even helped her with the raffle.

Today was clinic day up in Addenbrookes. Amos took one look at Holly and said that she looked much too well and he didn't need to see her! That was great, after an hours drive! Only joking, Holly also needed bloods doing and a few tests so we had to be up there anyway. It seems strange to say this but we actually had a great time at day unit today. We saw lots of friends and it was a real time to catch up. It was particularly great to see Gabe and his mum Chris - www.ourpreciousgabriel.blogspot.com. I haven't seen Chris for so long and although we have texted and kept in touch it was wonderful to see her. For those that don't remember I credit Chris with getting me through Holly's diagnosis in February. The Davies4 are a truly inspirational family and have been great friends to myself and Holly and it was good, after comparing notes, to realise that I am not totally neurotic, just another cancer mum.

I have to admire Holly for trying to delay our departure from day unit (to ensure she got to school later) but into school she went. She had a good afternoon and then walked all the way home. I was sceptical that she would be able to do this (it is quite a long way and it was also raining!) but she arrived home shortly after 4pm. She was tired and sweaty and adamantly announced she was never doing that again! It was very funny to see my independant little lady flopped on the sofa saying she was too exhausted to do anything.

Holly should hopefully now have a full week at school until our next clinic appointment on Tuesday. This is where we will get our supply of maintenance medicine and then start the final phase of treatment.

Looking back is tough, going forward is scary.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for those kind words. I am so glad I was able to help you during that horrendous time. I remember the first time I saw you, you were crying in the chapel - I did not know back then what good friends we would become!

    I am so glad you walked all the way home Holly! But now that you know you can do it - take a tip out of my book - get a lift from your mum instead!
