Monday 19 October 2009

Happy Birthday Izzy

This has been a lovely week.

Holly has been healthy, the retinoic acid is going well. She is just starting to get some of the side effects, sore lips and dry skin. She has some vitamin E cream to put on and we are trying various different things for her lips. It probably doesn't help that the weather is getting colder so the heating is on. It also probably doesn't help that she has got very into make up and always has some sort of lip gloss on!
We see Amos again tomorrow but only have to go to our local hospital as he is doing a clinic there.

As the title says it was Izzy's birthday on Saturday. We had a lovely day, Izzy (helped by Holly and Harry) opened all her presents and was over the moon with her new kitchen. They played with it for hours (all of them!). We headed over to Auntie Clares in the afternoon (it was also her birthday but, due to me selfishly having Izzy on the same day, it has been somewhat overshadowed). It was a fun afternoon and I had to drag the kids, kicking and screaming, home.
Sunday was Izzy's party. It was lovely to see everyone and it all seemed to go well. Even the little ones first experience of pass the parcel worked, sort of! Thank you everyone for all the lovely cards and presents. Elmer in particular has been everywhere with Izzy today.

I will end on Holly's new youtube video, as with her other video it will probably make you cry (but this time with laughter!!!). I can't believe what she gets up to in her little brothers bedroom!

(for some reason it won't link, just copy and paste)

1 comment:

  1. We had a really fun time on Sunday, all the kids enjoyed themselves and Holly looked really well. Where you get all your energy from we don't know, but it certainly pays dividends.
    Glad Izzy likes Elmer
