Tuesday 12 January 2010

It's Snow Fun Being Stuck At Home!!!

It has been quite a tough week.

On a positive note Holly's back has improved enormously, only to be replaced by the leg pain back again. Last night was quite bad with Holly being spectacularly cross with the pain. Calpol and Ibuprofen are managing the pain but we know that this virus could take a while to clear. We are both suffering from lack of sleep which is not helped by the fact that Holly's school is still shut. This has now been 5 days and year 7 are not expected to be allowed back until Thursday at the earliest. It is all down to a broken heater, not impressed.

The childen have all been loving the snow. I have never particularly liked the snow but it holds such awful memories now that I can't stand it. It was during the snow last Jan/Feb that I became sure there was something seriously wrong with Holly. That her pains and lack of appetite weren't just hormonal. Everyone told me I was imagining things but I just knew. Everytime I look at the snow thats what I think of. I have been trying hard to make new memories with Holly, Izzy and Harry playing and enjoying themselves, but it isn't easy.

I know as we head towards a year since diagnosis that I will look back and remember things that I have blocked out, and I am sure it will be really tough. I can't believe its been almost a year. Time has flown, but it certainly didn't feel like it at the time.

As to making new memories, we have booked a holiday to Center Parcs in February. There will be 10 of us going and Holly is so excited. She has informed me that she needs to take 3 bags (outfits, make up and jewellery!!!) and will be in the pool all day every day. She wasn't too impressed to be told wellies, jeans and a swimsuit would be all she needed.

1 comment:

  1. How great that the children are having fun in the snow.Try not to dwell on anything horrid.Today is wonderful and you KNOW Holly is clear of disease.
    prayers and reiki as ever for you all.
    Love,Gabe's Nonna
