Sunday 31 January 2010

A Lovely Holiday

I say holiday, I think I need one even more now!

It was a wonderful, happy, funny and very tiring week. Holly and the little ones have had so much fun. Harry was so excited to be allowed free rein that I think he has run further this week than in his whole life. We have run most of that after him.

We have swam, cycled, bowled, walked, cycled some more and swam lots more. I haven't ridden a bike since I was Holly's age and my body was certainly feeling it. I was also the nominated one to have the trailer for the 2 little ones attached to my bike. How did that happen?

Holly managed admirably, although she was tired most of the time she attacked the pool with gusto (the bike with less gusto I have to admit). The meds are definitely taking their toll though. She is very pale, tired all the time and suffering with sickness. Her appetite has disappeared and she has lost a lot of weight. It is horrible to see and I find myself wishing that she would ask me for bacon sandwiches at all hours again.

I would like to once again ask for your positive thoughts and prayers as we are back at Addenbrookes on Tuesday to discuss what we are going to do next. This is going to be a tough week. It has also been a tough week for some good friends of ours, please also think of them and pray they have a restful, healing week.

Holly was going to do this blog but she is currently asleep. I am hoping she will give you her own unique view on Center Parcs and how she is feeling when she is a bit more alert.


  1. Dear all, beautiful blog and wonderful pictures. So glad you had a great time. Thinking of you all
    love love and more love
    Jane, Kev & kids xxxxxx

  2. We are so glad you had a lovely break.

    Praying for you this week. Holly has so much fight in her and looks like she had a really great holiday.

    Lots of love,

    Chris xx

  3. What really beautiful photos. Glad you all had a lovely time, although it sounds like it was more of a workout holiday for you Kerry! We will be thinking of you this week and send you lots of love and big hugs , you are always in our thoughts...........
    Ju, Jase , Jay & Lo xxxx
