Tuesday 5 January 2010

No Relapse!

Holly's tests came back ALL CLEAR!!!!

The likely cause of her pain (which was in her leg and has now been replaced by bad back pain) is viral, and quite possibly something to do with Harry and Izzy's chicken pox. The symptoms are very similar to shingles and are kept at bay with plenty of ibuprofen.

It has been a truly awful week, I have felt unable to celebrate the arrival of 2010 as I had convinced myself that it was going to be even worse than 2009. I have a feeling I will have to get used to feeling like this, maybe one day I will even become used to it.

Thank you so much for all your positive messages and texts, I really appreciate them and I can honestly say they have helped me through this last week.

Ben summed it up nicely, "please can we have the last week of Christmas back..."

1 comment:

  1. Thank God!

    I have prayed for Holly and thought about you all so much. I truly understand how hard this last week was for you.

    Lots of love,

