Sunday 12 April 2009

Happy Easter

Well we haven't had a very fun Easter Weekend. We came into Addenbrookes on Good Friday and are still here.

Having amazed the docs with how she was sailing through her chemo the sickness kicked in on this session. This is the "norm" as the drug she is having this time is particularly nasty. She was sick a few times last night and a couple of times today. Today is definitely better as she has managed to eat a few things although she still feels sick. Her blood levels have also been low so she is having a transfusion tonight and we can hopefully go home tomorrow. A good point came when I spoke to one of the docs, Hollys MRI shows a visible reduction in her hip tumour and this means that the chemo is having the desired effect. We don't know whether she will need surgery or not, this will be decided after more scans at the end of the chemo. It is the best result we could hope for at this stage of the treatment.

She has been alleviating the boredom with watching tv, msn and making new friends. It was very funny (and typical teenager!) that her and her new friend were msn'ing each other throughout the evening, even though they are in opposite beds and could just talk to each other! Holly missed out on the Easter Egg Hunt this morning though as she was feeling so rubbish. She still managed to aquire quite a few eggs though, loads are donated to the childrens wards. I am sure Izzy will help her out when we get home.

All has been well at home, Ben has been coping very well apparently. He took the Little Monsters to a dads baby group on Saturday (the first time he has taken them both out by himself) with Auntie Steve (Izzy doesnt say uncle) and the Little Monster cousins. They both decided that being "mums" was definitely easier than working all day! Right.............

I think we are both missing home and can't wait to get back.

1 comment:

  1. Hiya Holly. My heart goes out to you as it's horrible being sick and even worse feeling nauseated.Good news about the reduction in the tumour huh? You are a great fighter and inspiration to us all. Lotsof love Claron and family
