Sunday 21 June 2009

Day Minus 1

It feels really strange to be posting from home.

Holly is still doing well. Her temperature has been fine and the only issue has been trying to convince her to take her medicines. Dad and Kirsty have done a great job, so much so that I have been advised today that I wasn't needed tonight either! I didn't know whether to feel insulted or pleased. I am actually incredibly pleased that she has overcome the need for me to be with her every night. This was the first time she has let anyone else stay since her diagnosis and I feel it is a huge step forward. Her levels have now dropped and she is neutropenic. She is officially in isolation and is not allowed out of her room until they have recovered.

She is still quite sleepy but has been awake more today. She is not in pain and says she feels better. She doesn't want to eat but that is only to be expected. Her throat is raw and she has been through so much this week. She is still being incredibly brave and I am amazed how strong she is.

I have had a lovely 2 days at home. Despite always thinking of Holly (and even dreaming of hospitals), I have needed this time away. The Little Monsters have made me laugh, Ben has been my rock and I am truly grateful for them all.

I will not be sorry to say goodbye to this week. It has been a tough one. Tomorrow is Holly's stem cell transplant, I am a little apprehensive and also a little excited. Please remember Holly in your thoughts and hope that these lovely new cells go and do their job.

I have to admit to being a very poor daughter this week. Happy Fathers Day Dad. I am sorry I didn't send you a card (I have phoned and grovelled). I know you are very busy looking after the "estate" in Ireland (haha). Looking forward to seeing you soon. You are the best. xxx


  1. Good luck with transplant tomorrow Holly - be prepared for the horrid smell of sweet corn - but it is very much worth it. The Davies 4 will be thinking and praying for you.

    Kerry - thanks for your message. I will text you (I have not published your message as it had your mobile number on it but I did receive it) xx

  2. Dear Holly and Kerry we are lost in admiration for you both.

    You have surely earned a happy outcome from all this gruelling treatment. Pleased that you enjoyed your two days respite.

    Lots of love and continued good luck from David and David

  3. Kerry, you totally needed that weekend, don't feel guilty. Our thoughts are with you tomorrow. What a week last week! Lots of love to you and Holly. Ju, Jase, Jayden and Lois XXXX

  4. Good luck with the transplant, which I imagine has already occurred given the time difference between the continents. Holly and you are both amazing. God bless. Give my best to your dad.

    Your cousin, Tom, in the USA
