Tuesday 16 June 2009

Day Minus 6

Today has been tough.

The effects of the large amounts of chemo are taking their toll on Holly. She had a good night but woke feeling grotty and was sick too many times to count. The docs added to her anti sickness meds to try and ease it but it took a while to work. This afternoon has been better. The meds make Holly drowsy so she slept much of the afternoon. She hasn't eaten or drunk anything but they are putting plenty of fluids through her so this isn't a problem. She rallied this evening and had a bath whilst watching Eastenders (the room has an ensuite and the bed telly swivels round). She was quite chatty and even managed some water.

I have found today really hard, watching her feeling so terrible, knowing we have to poison her body in order to make it better. It hasn't helped that the docs have warned me it may get worse, and she is unlikely to feel better for at least 2 weeks. I just keep telling myself that how she is feeling is "normal", and make sure we have plenty of sick bowls at hand!

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