Monday 1 March 2010

Addenbrookes Thank Goodness

Holly has had a rough weekend.

I got to go home for the weekend as Daddy and Kirsty came to take over on Friday night. Holly's sickness seems to have been sorted and she is now left with the infection and diarrohea. Her nose is still a source of concern as it has been bleeding quite a bit.

Holly told the docs at the local exactly what she thought of them and the hospital on Saturday morning. When Holly is grumpy and fed up you know it, and the docs certainly realised pretty quickly that she wasn't a fan. I think they were struggling with treating her as much as we were struggling being there so it was to everyone's delight that a bed had become available at Addenbrookes. Holly was transferred there by ambulance on Saturday night.

The nose was the major problem that night. Holly couldn't sleep because her nose needed wiping every 5 seconds, this meant that no one got much sleep. Kirsty took over the wiping duties and the ENT on call doctor was called. He came about 2.30am and had a look. They decided to suction the nose which stopped the bleeding for about 5 minutes! Various things were tried but what worked eventually was some gauze soaked in a kind of acid and stuck up her nose. Not pleasant, but effective.

I came back last night and Holly was ok. Her poor face is very sore from the bleeding and all the excess saliva she is producing. She is also suffering from mouth ulcers. After a bath and change of bed sheets, she settled into a relatively peaceful night only interrupted by her sore mouth. This was helped by some paracetamol.

I have had a lovely weekend. We spent Saturday with Ben's mum and dad. The Little Ones love going there, Anne has kept all of Ben's old cars, airplanes and space ships so Harry was ecstatic. Izzy loves spending time with Nanny and Grandpa and they both came home with smart new hair cuts. Harry still has all his curls though, I was adamant about that.

Grandad (my dad) is over from Ireland so we popped up to see them on Sunday with his belated birthday present. Much excitement from Harry (and me) as there was a flood near them and the road was filled with fire engines and police cars. We stood and watched and Harry waved (I think my motives were slightly different from his!)

It was nice to have a normal weekend though my thoughts are never far away from Holly. It is difficult being away from her but essential for all of us.

I am sure Addenbrookes will get to grips with Holly and get her home as soon as possible, they better as Izzy has stated that she will not brush her teeth until Holly is back from hospital!!!

1 comment:

  1. Smiling at your little ones especially Izzy not brushing her teeth until Holly come home, Good on her!! Are they wonderful to keep you going when things are bad.
    Please God life will improve and you will have your big girl home soon with you.
    Our love and prayers are with you all.
    Love to your Mom & dad too.

    John & Margaret xxx
