Monday 8 March 2010

One Step Forward....

It feels like we are taking one step forward and two steps backward at the moment.

Holly is still in pain, her mouth is very sore and she is also having some pain in her leg and arm. She is obviously quite worried about this but we are hoping that it could be due to her lack of mobility at the moment and all the drugs she is on.

We were due to start the next course of TVD chemo today, but that has now been postponed indefinitely. Her counts are still low, she is having daily nose bleeds so she is needing platelets every 2 days and she is still suffering the effects of the norovirus.

Understandably she is very low. It is so hard to see her like this.


  1. This is sad to read - some of the lows on our kids journey are just too hard.

    Keep strong and I will see you tomorrow.


  2. your amazing holly. stay strong. everybody is here for you. love you HUGE amounts. :) love jess xoxoxox
