Thursday 9 July 2009

Day 17

Holly had a really good, peaceful night.

She has only been sick twice today so again an improvement. Her tummy is so sensitive still and she has managed to drink a little bit again today. It is such a slow process and it is starting to get to Holly now. She is hungry but struggling to swallow food. Her body needs to adjust after being so long without eating. She just wants it to all be normal now.

She managed to cough up a nose tube today so they re-inserted it this morning. Unfortunately she managed to cough that one up tonight (before it had been used) so she has had to have another one this evening. Two nose tubes in one day is not pleasant but Holly takes it all in her stride (just getting cross with herself for it coming out!)

Her voice has now returned as her mouth has healed. She isn't as vocal as normal, but makes her opinions known when she feels like it.

It has been another good day all in all and for that I am thankful.

1 comment:

  1. We are following Holly s journey and think she is a very special young lady.You must be very proud of her.Her voice will return loud and clear very soon as her mouth and throat heal. Gabriel was quiet for a while but is making up for it now. You are always in our prayers Love Gabriel's Nonna and Auntie Toe xxx
