Thursday 16 July 2009

Day 24

Sorry if I'm repeating myself but another good night (not sorry really).

Holly was feeling good today, a little nauseous but hasn't been sick. Her feed has been upped into her tummy and she is tolerating that well. The other feed that was going into her Hickman line has been reduced. This should have the effect of making Holly actually feel more hungry. She has managed some crisps, sweets and a bit of potato today. Drinking has also improved.

The morning passed with Holly doing some arts and crafts. My friend Lynne came to see us now that Holly is up to having visitors. It was great to see her, and Holly thoroughly enjoyed having someone else around. (She particularly liked listening to us having a gossip!) Thank you Lynne xx

In the afternoon Holly was up for another wander. Again we went all over the hospital and the grounds. I managed to convince her to have a little sit in the gardens but the midges started attacking her head, so she was adamant we moved on, and on, and on! My back has had enough and I am in some discomfort tonight. I don't think that a night in this bed is going to help matters either.

We have had some mixed news about getting out tomorrow. The school have had some confirmed cases of swine flu (as with most places) so the docs are not happy for her to spend the afternoon there with a large number of people. This is fine, she has been so poorly the last couple of weeks that it just isn't worth the risk. However, we have a plan B. Holly is desperate to get home and see Izzy and Harry, so that is what we shall do. Holly will be able to catch up with her friends in the holidays when she is stronger.

Well done to Mum and Sis. Apparently it was an amazing night with a great atmosphere. They completed the course and there were no injuries. Poor Mum had the pleasure of the Little Monsters all day today (again), so rest and recouperation will have to wait until the weekend.

Thanks to everyone for your kind messages, we really appreciate them.

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